Wednesday 30 December 2020

Qual é a maior torcida do mundo

Qual é a maior torcida do mundo? As 10 maiores torcidas de futebol em 2021 👇 SUBSCRIBE TO Estatísticas Curiosas YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW 👇
RANK 1 Flamengo 42000000 O que começou como um clube de regatas é hoje o mais popular time de futebol do mundo! Com vários títulos conquistados no Brasil, mas também internacionalmente, o Mengão carioca conquistou torcedores em todo o país, sendo o líder da preferência em quase todas as regiões e a maior torcida do mundo. RANK 2 Chivas 30800000 O Club Deportivo Guadalajara, também conhecido como Chivas, é o principal rival do América e o confronto entre os dois é chamado “El Clásico Nacional”. O Chivas é o maior campeão de títulos nacionais desde que o futebol se tornou profissional no país. RANK 3 Corinthians 29000000 O Timão é, sem sombra de dúvidas, um dos maiores clubes do Brasil. São vários títulos conquistados dentro e fora do país, conquistando também o coração de 29 milhões de brasileiros. RANK 4 América 26400000 Um dos times mais tradicionais do México, tendo sido fundado em 1916 e um dos únicos que estiveram presentes em todas as edições do campeonato da Primeira Divisão Mexicana. RANK 5 São Paulo 16800000 Não é por acaso que o Tricolor esteja nesta lista, afinal o São Paulo é um dos times com melhores resultados do Brasil, tendo representado o país em mais de uma ocasião em disputas internacionais. RANK 6 Boca Juniors 16400000 O outro lado do Superclássico argentino, o Boca surgiu no bairro de La Boca, em Buenos Aires. É nada mais, nada menos, o clube em que jogava Juan Diego Maradona, o maior ídolo do futebol argentino. Dá para entender o porquê de uma torcida tão grande. RANK 7 Juventus 16300000 A equipe italiana com o maior número de títulos do campeonato nacional, ou melhor, scudettos. Por isso mesmo, também conta com a maior torcida do país, e agora, também conta com o melhor do mundo, Cristiano Ronaldo. RANK 8 Milan 13400000 O Milan divide o estádio Giuseppe Meazza com o seu maior rival, o Internazionale. Mas o fair play da divisão fica por aí, pois os torcedores do Milan continuam chamando o estádio pelo nome anterior, San Ciro. Giuseppe Meazza jogou nos dois times, mas seu maior destaque foi pela Inter, o que não agrada muito quem torce pelo Milan. RANK 9 Real Madrid 13300000 Um dos maiores (e mais ricos) times do mundo, o Real Madrid conta sempre com as principais estrelas da bola e, normalmente, os seus jogadores levam muitos prêmios para casa. RANK 10 River Plate 13200000 River Plate é como os ingleses chamam o Rio da Prata argentino. O time foi fundado em 1901 e, junto com o Boca Juniors, é responsável pelo Superclássico do país. Nosso ranking está composto pelas maiores torcidas de futebol do mundo levando em conta os torcedores no próprio país. 🔘 MAKE SURE TO LEAVE A LIKE & A COMMENT 🔴 SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ARE NEW AND TURN THE BELL ON

10 of the fastest animals in the world

10 of the fastest animals in the world 👇 SUBSCRIBE TO Estatísticas Curiosas YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW 👇 RANK 1 The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird, and in fact the fastest animal on the planet, when in its hunting dive, the stoop, in which it soars to a great height, then dives steeply at speeds of over 322kph (200mph). It reaches horizontal cruising speeds of up to 90 kph (56mph). RANK 2 The White Throated Needletail (also known as the Spine Tailed Swift) is the fastest bird in powered flight, with a top recorded speed of 171kph/106mph! RANK 3 The frigate bird’s speed of 153kph(95mph) is helped by having the largest wingspan to body weight ratio of any bird. They are able to stay aloft for more than a week at a time! RANK 4 The Spur-Winged Goose is the world’s largest goose and can fly at 142kph (88mph). RANK 5 The cheetah is skilled at running down fast prey and can reach a top speed of 113kph (70mph). That’s three times faster than the top running speed for a human which is about 36kph (22mph)! Cheetahs have a skill that no other big cat has RANK 6 The sail fish is easily the world’s fastest fish, speeding through the water at 110kph (68mph)! RANK 7 The Pronghorn antelope is the second fasted land animal and at 98kph (60mph) can out-sprint predators. RANK 8 Marlin can swim at 80kph (50mph), just beaten for the title of the world’s fastest fish by the super speedy Sail Fish. RANK 9 he Blue Wildebeest, Springbok and Thompson’s gazelle can all run at about 80kph (50mph) which almost exactly matches the top speed of a lion. RANK 10 The Brown Hare’s long back legs enable them to reach speeds of 77kph (48mph), the same speed as their predator the red fox. Thanks for watching Estatisticas Curiosas 🔘 MAKE SURE TO LEAVE A LIKE & A COMMENT 🔴 SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ARE NEW AND TURN THE BELL ON "SOCIAL ===============================" 🐦 - FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: 👥 - Facebook: 📸 - Instagram: Tumblr - 📝 - BLOG: https://estatisticascuriosas.blogspot... 🔘 - Pinterest: 🔘 - Linkedin - 🔘 - Vk - 🔘 - Livejournal - 🔘 - Mix -
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TOP 5 Commonly Wasted Foods in British Households

TOP 5 Commonly Wasted Foods in British Households 👇 SUBSCRIBE TO Estatísticas Curiosas YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW 👇 RANK 1 SALAD Annual waste in British households: 178 million bags of salad Our top tips: Storage is important to get the most out of your food. Keep salad in a crisper drawer at the bottom of your fridge. With lettuce, try to buy fresh (not bagged), separate the leaves, wash them in cold water and then pat the leaves dry with a clean tea towel. Line a food storage container with kitchen towel before placing the lettuce leaves in and storing it in the bottom of your fridge. These should stay fresh for at least five days and are already washed and ready for use! RANK 2 BREAD Daily waste in British households: 24 million slices of bread Our top tips: Bread doesn't have a long shelf life. If you find yourself with a stale loaf, why not make your own breadcrumbs? Or once again using your freezer is a great way to make your bread last longer. Simply slice it, wrap it well and defrost as needed. It can stay in your freezer for up to three months. "RANK 3 POTATOES Daily waste in British households: 5.8 million whole potatoes Our top tips: Store this veggie favourite in a cool, dark place to help them last longer. If your potatoes start to sprout, just cut off the sprouting bits, they are still great to eat. Become friends with your freezer. Cook them up, portion them in sandwich bags and freeze them to use in a meal later. And finally, don't forget to love the skin your potatoes are in - they can make a tasty alternative to crisps or a delicious stock and are packed full of dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals!" "RANK 4 MILK Daily waste in British households: 5.8 million glasses of milk Our top tips: Firstly remember to trust your senses (smell it!) and don't always rely solely on milk 'use by' labels. Milk freezes well, so if you're heading away, freeze the remainder in your ice tray and add cubes to your next brew. Or of course blend it with some leftover fruit for a delicious smoothie." "RANK 5 BANANAS Daily waste in British households: 1.4 million edible bananas Our top tips: Firstly, separate them from each other for storage. As they start to turn speckled and guessed it FREEZE them! If they turn completely black, even better, as this is ideal for making banana bread or muffins." "Australia and New Zealand 5-6% of all food is lost along the supply chain. Central and Southern Asia, that figure shoots up to 20-21%. Europe and North America at around 16%." 🔘 MAKE SURE TO LEAVE A LIKE & A COMMENT 🔴 SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ARE NEW AND TURN THE BELL ON "SOCIAL ===============================" 🐦 - FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: 👥 - Facebook: 📸 - Instagram: Tumblr - 📝 - BLOG: https://estatisticascuriosas.blogspot... 🔘 - Pinterest: 🔘 - Linkedin - 🔘 - Vk - 🔘 - Livejournal - 🔘 - Mix - 👇 INSCREVA-SE NO CANAL Estatísticas Curiosas 👇 Inscreva-se para mais vídeos futuros: Como sempre, seus comentários são bem-vindos. COMENTE abaixo quais os tópicos que você gostaria que eu executasse análise de dados para 👇

Saturday 19 December 2020

As 10 maiores torcidas do Brasil Grandes Clubes de Futebol Brasileiro Es...

As 10 maiores torcidas do Brasil 👇 SUBSCRIBE TO Estatísticas Curiosas YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW 👇 Caption "RANK 1 Flamengo – 42 milhões Twitter: 6,8 milhões Facebook: 12,1 milhões Instagram: 8,7 milhões YouTube: 5,5 milhões Média de público (2019): 52.537 Taxa de ocupação do estádio: 80% "RANK 2 Corinthians – 29,4 milhões Twitter: 6,1 milhões Facebook: 11,2 milhões Instagram: 5 milhões YouTube: 1,25 milhão Média de público (2019): 33.143 Taxa de ocupação do estádio: 69% "RANK 3 São Paulo – 16,8 milhões Twitter: 4,3 milhões Facebook: 6,5 milhões Instagram: 2,9 milhões YouTube: 1,29 milhão Média de público (2019): 27.424 Taxa de ocupação do estádio: 45% "RANK 4 Palmeiras – 12,6 milhões Twitter: 3,1 milhões Facebook: 4,4 milhões Instagram: 2,4 milhões YouTube: 1,4 milhão Média de público (2019): 28.774 Taxa de ocupação do estádio: 68% "RANK 5 Grêmio – 8,4 milhões Twitter: 2,7 milhões Facebook: 3,1 milhões Instagram: 1,8 milhão YouTube: 661 mil Média de público (2019): 21.557 Taxa de ocupação do estádio: 39% "RANK 6 Vasco – 8,4 milhões Twitter: 2,3 milhões Facebook: 3 milhões Instagram: 1,3 milhão YouTube: 842 mil Média de público (2019): 18.154 Taxa de ocupação do estádio: 49% "RANK 7 Cruzeiro – 8,4 milhões Twitter: 2,1 milhões Facebook: 3 milhões Instagram: 1,4 milhão YouTube: 377 mil Média de público (2019): 24.217 Taxa de ocupação do estádio: 40% "RANK 8 Santos – 6,3 milhões Twitter: 2,8 milhões Facebook: 3,5 milhões Instagram: 1,2 milhão YouTube: 931 mil Média de público (2019): 11.900 Taxa de ocupação do estádio: 49% "RANK 9 Inter – 6,3 milhões Twitter: 1,6 milhão Facebook: 2,5 milhões Instagram: 1,2 milhão YouTube: 248 mil Média de público (2019): 24.179 Taxa de ocupação do estádio: 47% "RANK 10 Atlético-MG – 4,2 milhões Twitter: 2,1 milhões Facebook: 3,2 milhões Instagram: 1,5 milhão YouTube: 380 mil Média de público (2019): 19.045 Taxa de ocupação do estádio: 56% Nenhum 46,2 milhões “Pátria de chuteiras”. “País do futebol”. Você já deve ter ouvido essas expressões que fazem referência à paixão do brasileiro pelo esporte bretão. Mas quando sabemos que 46,2 milhões de brasileiros (22%) não torcem para nenhum clube, passamos a repensar algumas coisas. Será que o brasileiro é tão apaixonado por futebol como dizem? Talvez a resposta seja sim e não. A paixão, de fato, existe. Mas talvez ela não seja tão abrangente quanto parece, tendo em vista que a “maior torcida” do Brasil – maior até que a do Flamengo – é composta justamente pelos sem torcida. 👇 SUBSCRIBE TO Estatísticas Curiosas YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW 👇 Sources: 🔘 MAKE SURE TO LEAVE A LIKE & A COMMENT 🔴 SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ARE NEW AND TURN THE BELL ON "SOCIAL ===============================" 🐦 - FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: 👥 - Facebook: 📸 - Instagram: Tumblr - 📝 - BLOG: https://estatisticascuriosas.blogspot... 🔘 - Pinterest: 🔘 - Linkedin - 🔘 - Vk - 🔘 - Livejournal - 🔘 - Mix - 👇 INSCREVA-SE NO CANAL Estatísticas Curiosas 👇 Inscreva-se para mais vídeos futuros: Como sempre, seus comentários são bem-vindos.

Friday 18 December 2020

What Are The 10 Most Spoken Languages In Europe

RANK 1 Russia 120000000 Perhaps a surprise for many individuals, Russian tops this list as the most spoken language in Europe with 120 million native speakers on the continent! RANK 2 Germany 95000000 The language of philosophers and thinkers, German comes in second for the largest native-speaking population in Europe. It’s the sole official language of Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein, and it’s a co-official language in Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg. With all of those countries combined, approximately 95 million people in Europe speak German as their first language. And did you know that German is the mostly widely-understood language after English? This is because it’s popular as a second (or third, or fourth) language in Denmark, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Sweden, Poland, Finland, Hungary, and many other European countries. Rank 3 French 80000000 After Russian and German, the next most spoken language in Europe is French, with about 80 million native speakers. It is the official language of France (of course), as well as a co-official language of Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg. If you consider the percentage of the population that learned French as a second language, then over 30% of European inhabitants know the language, making it a great choice for those that want to travel around the continent. RANK 4 English 70000000 You had to know this was coming, right? English, the global lingua franca has 400 million native speakers worldwide, with around 70 million living of those in Europe. It’s the de facto (but not “official”) language of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, but the large number of English-speaking expats residing in Europe also adds to this number. As for second language speakers, about a third of older Europeans can speak English, while nearly half of 15- to 35-year-olds have a mastery of the language. That said, some scholars theorize that the political realities of Brexit may weaken the dominance of English in Europe in the future. All the more reason to add another language under your belt now. RANK 5 Turkish 70000000 Coming in at number 5, Turkish is the official language of Turkey and has about 70 million native speakers. It also has co-official status in Cypress and is widely spoken around the Mediterranean, particularly in Macedonia, Greece and Serbia. RANK 6 Italian The 69 million Italian native speakers in Europe are experts on la dolce vita. Italian is naturally the official language of Italy, but it’s also a co-official language of Switzerland (it’s the third most spoken language by the Swiss, after German and French) and of Vatican City, the city-state for the Roman Catholic Church (conveniently landlocked by Rome, Italy). When you want to experience the authentic Italian way of life on your travels, then learning Italian is a must! RANK 7 Spanish 45000000 For years now, Spain has enjoyed a covetable position as one of Europe’s best travel destinations — especially for other Europeans looking for a warm and relaxing summer vacation. T RANK 8 Ukrainian The national language of Ukraine is spoken by 45 million native speakers, with the majority residing in Europe. RANK 9 Polish While perhaps not as well known as the other languages on this list, there are 40 million Polish native speakers that live in Europe. Most of these individuals (naturally) live in Poland, but Polish is also widely spoken in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Belarus and Ukraine. Collectively, almost 10% of the European population speaks Polish as a first, second or third language. RANK 10 Dutch The last spot on our list goes to Dutch, narrowly beating out Romanian for a spot in the Top 10. Sources: 🔘 MAKE SURE TO LEAVE A LIKE & A COMMENT 🔴 SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ARE NEW AND TURN THE BELL ON "SOCIAL ===============================" 🐦 - FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: 👥 - Facebook: 📸 - Instagram: Tumblr - 📝 - BLOG: https://estatisticascuriosas.blogspot... 🔘 - Pinterest: 🔘 - Linkedin - 🔘 - Vk - 🔘 - Livejournal - 🔘 - Mix - 👇 INSCREVA-SE NO CANAL Estatísticas Curiosas 👇 Inscreva-se para mais vídeos futuros: Como sempre, seus comentários são bem-vindos.

Thursday 17 December 2020

Apple's Premium Headphones Come at a Premium Price

Apple's Premium Headphones Come at a Premium Price When Apple surprisingly announced its first pair of wireless over-ear headphones last week, the initial reaction was almost exactly the same wherever you looked: wow, these things are expensive. At $549, the AirPods Max seemed outlandishly pricey, even for Apple’s admittedly high standards. And while the price remains very high for what are still consumer headphones, as opposed to studio headphones used by professionals that can easily set you back $1,000+, the initial outrage quickly made way for another reaction: what if these things are so good that the price is justified? Early hands-on reviews have been overwhelmingly positive, lauding the AirPods’ build quality, noise cancelling and overall sound. In line with those reactions, delivery times for the headphones quickly went up on Apple’s website, with those willing to spend $549 on a pair of headphones now having to wait up to three months to do so. As Following chart shows, Apple did take a gamble on the AirPods Max’s price. At $549, they are priced at the highest end of the high-end headphone market, with viable alternatives available for almost half the price. Considering that the original AirPods became a huge success after initially being met with a similar mix of outrage and ridicule, Apple could end up being right again this time. Either they just set the new bar for how expensive headphones may be or they overplayed their hand this time, in which case they can still cut the price in the long term. New Apple AirPods Max - Pink Bang & Olufsen Beoplay H9 Bower & Wilkins PX7 Sennheiser Momentum 3 Wireless Bose NC 700 Beats Studio 3 Wireless Sony WH-1000XM4 👇 SUBSCRIBE TO Estatísticas Curiosas YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW 👇 Sources: 🔘 MAKE SURE TO LEAVE A LIKE & A COMMENT 🔴 SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ARE NEW AND TURN THE BELL ON "SOCIAL ===============================" 🐦 - FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: 👥 - Facebook: 📸 - Instagram: Tumblr - 📝 - BLOG: https://estatisticascuriosas.blogspot... 🔘 - Pinterest: 🔘 - Linkedin - 🔘 - Vk - 🔘 - Livejournal - 🔘 - Mix - 👇 INSCREVA-SE NO CANAL Estatísticas Curiosas 👇 Inscreva-se para mais vídeos futuros: Como sempre, seus comentários são bem-vindos. COMENTE abaixo quais os tópicos que você gostaria que eu executasse análise de dados para 👇

Wednesday 16 December 2020

The 10 Most Spoken Languages In The World

RANK 1 Chinese — 1.3 Billion Native Speakers Numbers vary widely — Ethnologue puts the number of native speakers at 1.3 billion native speakers, roughly 917 million of whom speak Mandarin — but there’s no doubt it’s the most spoken language in the world. If you wish to learn a language that one in six people in the world speak, this is the one for you. S RANK 2 Spanish — 460 Million Native Speakers If we were only to look at native speakers, Spanish has its nose in front of English with about 460 million speakers. If you want a language that will open up whole continents to you, Spanish is your best bet. RANK 3 English — 379 Million Native Speakers If you’re reading this article, you may be one of the 379 million-odd native English speakers, or one of the 753 million people who speak it as a second language. This indicates the remarkable success of English as the lingua franca of business, travel and international relations. RANK 4 Hindi — 341 Million Native Speakers India has 23 official languages, with Hindi/Urdu chief among them. Whether this is one language — Hindustani — or two dialects is still fiercely debated. Spoken mainly in northern India and parts of Pakistan, Hindi uses devnagri script, while Urdu uses Persian notation. RANK 5 Arabic — 315 Million Native Speakers Recent numbers put Arabic at around 315 million native speakers. But this is another instance of numbers not telling the full tale: Arabic, like Chinese, is so vastly different in its respective dialects as to be effectively a number of languages, grouped as one for the sake of convenience. RANK 6 Bengali — 228 Million Native Speakers Admit it: you didn’t expect Bengali to be on the list of most spoken languages. The Partition of Bengal by the British in 1947 divided (mainly Hindu) West Bengal, now part of India, from its (mainly Muslim) counterpart East Bengal, now Bangladesh. It is the language of Kolkata, the Andaman Islands, fabulous sweets, and 130-odd million Bangladeshis — many of whom are extremely vulnerable to climate change. RANK 7 Portuguese — 220 Million Native Speakers This is another language whose reach owes much to its colonial past. Starting in the 15th century, avid Portuguese traders and conquerors brought their language to Africa, Asia and the Americas. RANK 8 Russian — 153 Million Native Speakers With roughly 153 million native speakers, Russian is the eighth most spoken language in the world. Famed for its inscrutable grammar and quite lovely Cyrillic script, it remains one of the six languages spoken in the UN, and produced the literary likes of Dostoyevsky, Nabokov, Chekhov, Gogol, Tolstoy and Pushkin. RANK 9 Japanese — 128 Million Native Speakers Almost all of the 128 million native Japanese speakers live in Japan — certainly the most highly geographically concentrated of all the languages on this list. The largest groups of Japanese speakers living outside Japan can be found in the US, the Philippines and Brazil. RANK 10 Lahnda (Western Punjabi) — 118 Million Native Speakers With varying estimates of around 118 million native speakers, the last spot on the list goes to… Lahnda, a Pakistani macrolanguage that primarily includes Western Punjabi! (Sorry, German — you got dumped from top world languages a few years back.) That doesn’t even include Eastern Punjabi, which is spoken in India. The Punjab was sliced in two by the British when they left, and millions of people were forced to abandon their homes, businesses and families. But they’re slowly taking their revenge, Bollywood-style: Punjabi songs now account for 50 percent of chart-toppers. That’s a comeback if we’ve ever seen one. Thank you for Watching 👇 SUBSCRIBE TO Estatísticas Curiosas YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW 👇 Sources: 🔘 MAKE SURE TO LEAVE A LIKE & A COMMENT 🔴 SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ARE NEW AND TURN THE BELL ON "SOCIAL ===============================" 🐦 - FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: 👥 - Facebook: 📸 - Instagram: Tumblr - 📝 - BLOG: https://estatisticascuriosas.blogspot... 🔘 - Pinterest: 🔘 - Linkedin - 🔘 - Vk - 🔘 - Livejournal - 🔘 - Mix - 👇 INSCREVA-SE NO CANAL Estatísticas Curiosas 👇 Inscreva-se para mais vídeos futuros: Como sempre, seus comentários são bem-vindos. COMENTE abaixo quais os tópicos que você gostaria que eu executasse análise de dados para 👇

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